
Showing posts from October, 2018

What is ABAP data dictionary?

Download MiniSAP Netweaver (VirtualBox) + Básico de SAP ABAP SAP ABAP data dictionary is a central and structured source of data for development of objects. It is a database independent DDL (Data Definition Language) and mainly deals with create, edit, drop the database tables. Functions of data dictionary :  The important functions of data dictionary objects are as follows. Database tables Domains Data elements Views Search helps Lock Objects Navigation Transaction code SE11 SAP Menu Path Tools > ABAP Workbench > Development > SE11 – ABAP Dictionary 1.  Database Tables : –  Database tables are the collection of fields which contain physical data. The tables are made up of rows by columns. The different types of tables are Transparent tables Pooled tables Cluster tables 2. Domains : – Domains are used to maintain technical information of field such as data types, data length, value range, etc. Learn how to create domain...

SAP ABAP: Structure of ABAP Program

Download MiniSAP Netweaver (VirtualBox) + Básico de SAP ABAP ABAP program consists the following structure Header Global Declarations Processing Logic Definition of Reusable Blocks Header Header section provides the detailed information about the development and which is the standard template for all custom ABAP developments. The first statement of ABAP program starts with a word PROGRAM or REPORT. It is not mandatory to mention the program name, but for documentation purpose correct name of ABAP program should be used. When the user creates a program, by default system inserts the first ABAP statement For module pools – PROGRAM <name of program> For executable pools – REPORT <name of report> Global Declaration Global declaration declares all the global variables Processing Logic Processing logic block is used to implement the business logic and it is written for declaration. Definition of Reusable Blocks You can define reusable ...