
Showing posts from August, 2018

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Modify Request Owner

Execute transaction code SE09 or SE10. Select the transport request number.  Go to Request/Task > Change Owner. OR...

Release the Transport Request in Sap

Release the Transport Request (Export Process) Position the cursor on the TR name or a Task name & choose the Release icon (Truck), a record of the TR is automatically added to the appropriate import queues of the systems defined in the TMS. Releasing and importing a request generates export & import logs. OR....use

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Flash Request (YREQ)

Flash Request (YREQ) is a handy tool for transporting R / 3 objects from one environment to another environment in multiple systems environments. The Flash Request contains the various transport requests under which objects are collected. Flash Request (YREQ) helps transport the entire set of transport requests in a predefined sequence with sufficient control over dependencies between transports. Flash Request is a SAP-based change tracking application (created by Flash Request Software Concepts). Automated, simple and low cost transport solution for your company. Why spend with CharM Configuration or another manager configuration, with a meager workforce and high design and training cost, can you use a practical, agile and simple solution? Transport changes across landscapes automatically without the detailed configuration of the Transportation Management System (TMS).

Almost a Basic Procedure for Change Management (ChaRM)